Workshops Offered:
Stress Related Workshops
Your Calling Has Been Disconnected: Chronic Stress for the Professional (or Stress Empowerment)
Elements of Personal Power: Creating Magic to Battle Destructive Forces
50 Shades of Stress: Stress and the Veteran Population
The Fatigued Soul: When Compassion Runs Out and What You Can Do About It
Blocks to Change
The Art of Effective Communication
Embracing Failure
Mindfulness: Loosening the Mental Grip
Stress Wellness/ Stress Intelligence: 365+ ways to smooth the stress flow
Professional Development
Cultural Competency (Exploring the Sea of Cultural Competency)
WW(d)YD: What Would (do) You Do? Ethics, Words, and Practice
The Dance of Retention: Pretreatment Engagement Strategies
Good Grief! The Art of Effectively Ending Therapy
Therapeutic Entanglements: The Web of Countertransference
Clinical Supervision: Building Knowledge, Skills, and Self-Care
Substance Use Disorders
Relapse and Relapse Prevention
Grief, Loss, and Addiction (Grieving the Loss)/ or Loss and Grief in General)
Other specialized/specific topics available, click here
Breathing Techniques, Chakras, Meditation and Yoga topics
Chakra Balancing for Stress Reduction
Yoga for Kappa constitutions
Yoga for Pitta constitutions
Yoga for Vatta constitutions
Hatha Yoga
Breathing for Balance and Stress Reduction
What's Your Story? Yoga